Core Expertise
AMS offers End-to-End Design, assembly and testing services. We have built in-house design capability for developing reliable futuristic solutions for our customers. We have a pool of engineers who demonstrate their design, engineering capabilities and offer Life Cycle Support for the solutions we offer. We have built a strong domain expertise with a track record of supplying state of the art solutions suitable for the sector. Our in-house R&D centre, is CEMILAC certified to develop Airworthiness systems. Our R&D team has a unique domain expertise working on varied verticals of market viz., Aerospace, Avionics, Space, Naval, Automotive for On-Board Systems and Ground Support Equipment. Our company is recognized as Collaborative R&D Partner by Bharat Electronics Limited.
We offer Build to Specifications, Build to Print and New Product Introduction Services
Build to Specifications(BTS):
The sectors to which we offer solutions are mostly based on “build to spec”. We understand the specifications requirements of customer and right at proposal stage and develop architecture design which meets the technical specification requirements and targeted environmental requirements. Initially technical feasibility is done during the research phase and accordingly hardware designs and software designs are developed either with existing IP repositories with company or new designs are developed. Prototypes are built with such developed designs and tested to meet functional requirements of the specifications. Thus developed and approved prototypes are form the basis for assembly and testing of engineered units which are subjected to Qualifications tests for targeted environmental specification requirements.
These are custom built designs which are specific to customer requirements which are build using repository of Hardware and Software IP’s developed by the company and form C²OTS(Customised Commercially off-the-shelf) solutions. The varied solutions offered by our company are based on state of the art proven technologies. Based on application, we can offer solutions with COTS products or from semi-custom to fully customized solutions.
Build to Print(BTP):
Build to print contracts are executed for manufacturing and assembling systems as per drawings provided by customer. We obtain MRP(Material Resource Planning) data and assembly drawings such as Bill of Material, drawings and test procedures from the customer. We have a strong Supply Chain Management team to procure millions of dollars of components from across the world supported by our approved supplier.
We have an established process for various stages of production, assembly and testing to cater to spectrum of quality expectation from varied sectors which we offer solutions. The assembled systems are inspected and tested as per the approved standards of the customer in order to provide a trusted OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) production process as per customer’s requirements.